Cosmopolis #1.5: Enlarged Intelligence, opening November 2 in Chengdu, Sichuan Province in south-west China, presents artworks and programs by almost 60 artists and groups, exploring ecology, technology and the commons, and envisioning how we today may draw on intelligent technologies, as well as on ecological intelligence, to advance social values—rather than leaving capital to largely define the […]

Reset Time: Art, Technology & the Future of Contemporary
International Art Forum,Shanghai
In a response to an extension of the themes of “Cosmopolis”, the Mao Ji-Hong Arts Foundation and Centre Georges Pompidou, in cooperation with the School of Philosophy of Fudan University and the Ming Contemporary Art Museum, will jointly curate and organize the “Time · Aesthetics · New Practice” International Art Forum.

Cosmopolis#1: Collective Intelligence
Centre Pompidou
Supported by the Mao Jihong Arts Foundation, the contemporary art exhibition Cosmopolis opens on 18 October 2017 at Centre Pompidou, Paris. Cosmopolis is a constantly evolving platform, curated by Kathryn Weir, Director of Department of Cultural Development. It is held biennially at the Centre Pompidou.